Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Monday, March 19, 2012

6 months

Dear Daddy,
     I can't believe that is has been six months since you left.  We are half way through the first half of the year.  I wanted to take some time to reflect on that I have learned these last six months.

You were the best thing that happened in my life.  You made life sweet.
My relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ has grown tremendously.
Serving others and helping others makes me feel good.
I am doing what is necessary to have our family sealed in the temple.
I can choose to try to be happy.  I can try to keep a positive attitude.
I am in control of my life and my emotions (well most of the time).
It is ok to have fun and let loose sometimes.
It is OK to eat chocolate for dinner.
It is OK to let your kids eat chocolate chip cookies for breakfast.
It is OK to get only a few hours of sleep at night.
Grieving isn't easy, it is a real difficult thing to get through some days.
I can do hard things.
Being a single parent is difficult. 
Raising kids who are grieving and missing their Daddy is painful.
I have learned that a house is really quiet when kids are sleeping.
I have learned how to journal
I have learned how to live life knowing and believing that someday I will see you again.
I have learned that this will be a lifelong journey.

I wish you were here so I didn't have to learn these things on my own.  I want you to know that our children are my number one priority and I would do anything for them.  I see you in our children and that keeps me going.  That beautiful gift is the reason I wake up in the morning and what puts a smile on my face.  You will never be forgotten, you are cherished and held in my heart each day.

I love you to heaven and back.

Love, Stephanie