Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Missing you

Dear Scotty,
     I miss you here with us.  I miss you sweet voice, your beautiful laugh, the way you would tease me until I would get so annoyed and yell at you.  I miss your feet rubbing against mine in bed at night.  I miss your dirty lunchbox on the kitchen counter after a long days work.  I miss everything about you.  We are going on but not without pain.  I miss my Scotty.  Our kids miss their Daddy.  Today they were especially needing you.  They must be missing you because they have been really clingy and don't want to share me with anyone.  I want you here with me so bad, I don't know how to deal with it at times.  I know Heavenly Father needed you to be called home to complete your mission with him.  I am trying to work through the "why me, Why now?".  This life was way to short for you but I know you are doing what you are meant to be doing.  I am holding on to the faith that I will see you very soon and we can finish spending eternity together.  Please save a place for me. Your place is in my heart.  I love you.

Love your wife, Steph

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Our adventures in dirtbiking

Uncle John and his cousin Tim chasing, and coaching Madison on her first adventure around the dirt bike track.

Uncle John giving Madison some assistance to get going.

Coaching and teaching Madison how to ride.

One time around the track was enough

The boys playing in their fort

Carson and his best friend Max.

Who is ready to ride, thumbs up!

John and Carson

John and Carson

I wanna ride too.

Boys will be boys and play in the dirt

Carson on the hill that he was nervous about at first but couldn't get enough

Uncle John taking Jack for a spin.

Dear Daddy,
     Well it is official, your kids have had their first real experience with dirt biking.  John has really gone out of his way to show your sweet babies love and teach them new things.  I can remember when you were in the hospital John promised to take care of the kids and he truly has been there for them.  He took the boys out dirt biking last weekend and they had a great time.  Carson wanted to jump the hill to get up to heaven to bring you home.  Jack wanted to go again and again.  It takes a great friend and brother in law to really step it up and do things that you would have normally done.  I wish it were you taking the kids for a spin on your quad, I wish you were here to watch and encourage them to try and get out there and have fun.  I am so very grateful for Stacey and John, they love our kids and it truly shows.  I am glad he kept his promise to take care of your children, I feel he is doing a wonderful job.  Can't wait for him to teach the boys how to go fishing.
     We went over to Karen and Johnnys for SuperBowl Sunday.  We didn't watch the game, I always hated that part.  At half time we went outside and watched the boys ride their dirt bikes.  Madison wanted a ride so Uncle John gave her a spin.  She was very trusting and brave to do this.  Madison has always been so reserved, still is.  She then later decided that she wanted to do it all by herself.  I would not consider our daughter a brave, outgoing adventure seeker.  She is very content usually watching these types of activities or simply writing about them.  I figured if she wanted to try then she should.  John and his cousin Tim chased her around so that she would feel safe and secure.  She wasn't the best dirt biker and I am ok with that.  I admire John for trying to teach her, but love his comment "Keep practicing on your bicycle."  You would have been so proud watching her.  Please continue to watch over us and keep us safe on our adventures her on Earth.  We miss you dearly but are trying to make the most of our time here on Earth.  We will have plenty of stories of our adventures to share with you when we see you again.

Love, Mommy