Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dear Daddy

Dear Daddy,
     I am learning so much at school and wish you were her so I could read books to you.  My love for books and writing has grown since I started Kindergarten. I love writing and use up so much paper each day writing words.  I wrote my numbers to 100 last week all by myself.  I love school.   Today I got an award from the principal at school.  I am now in the ABC club, which means I know all my letters, upper case and lower case and know all of their sounds.  Wish I could show you my award and button that I put on my backpack.  Love you Daddy, miss you.

Love, Madison



  1. Way to go Madison! Daddy is so proud of you...as are we!

  2. Amazing girl, just like her mommy and daddy!
