Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Guess what I can do Daddy?

Dear Daddy,
     You will never guess what I learned how to do today?  I am so happy!! I can ride my bike without training wheels.  I know Uncle John promised you when you were in the hospital that he would teach me and today he did.  We went over to the school so I could ride Sam's bike.  I knew what to do.  I didn't fall down and hurt myself.  I can start and stop myself and turn without hurting myself.  I know that I will have some falls but I am so proud of myself and I know you would be proud too.  I can't wait to show Mommy tomorrow.  Wish you were here so I could show you but I know you are watching me from heaven and are proud of me too.  John says he is going to teach Carson next. 

Love you Daddy!
Love, Madison


  1. Awesome pictures!! Happy and sad all at the same time!! And reminds me, we need to teach our kiddos that!!

  2. Madi asked me last night if I thought Daddy could see through roofs?? Of course he can sweet girl. He is always watching with a smile on his face because he is so proud of you. She did so good on the bike- a natural! Wish Scotty could've been the one to teach her. Love you guys.

  3. Stacey..if i could "like" your comment, I would!! Madison is so sweet and always wondering if Daddy is watching. I hope she realized that he is. She has her own guardian angel. And John is a good man...a man of his word!!
