Our Forever Family

Our Forever Family

Monday, October 17, 2011

A long hard month

Dear Daddy,
     I can't believe this is all happening.  I am still waiting for you to come home.  I am still waiting for another hug and kiss.  I am still waiting for another date or another trip out of town.  I even miss us arguing over little things like the toys being all over the house.  I  miss you so much and am noticing it in all the little things.  I miss that there are no q-tips on the bathroom floor that you thought went into the garbage.  I miss your hair in the sink after you shave.  I miss the underwear and towels on the bathroom floor after a shower.  I miss the dirty dishes in the sink on the days you were home the kids.  I miss the sheets on your side of the bed being off the corner of the mattress from your wild sleep patterns.  I miss you stealing my pillow at night.  I miss yelling at you to turn the loud movies off or to turn off the annoying video games.  Our house is so quiet at night and that is when I miss you the most.  Of all the things I miss I think I miss your voice the most.  It is still in my head and I hope I will never forget it.  I haven't been strong enough to watch home movies yet, but I know your voice is there.  I haven't cancelled your cell phone because I like to listen to your voicemail, all it is is you saying your name, but it is your voice.  I secretly leave you voice mails.  You have given me so much in our marriage and I am eternally grateful.  I just want you here with me.  I MISS YOU. 

I know we will be together again someday, and I look forward to that.

Please keep your eye on our family.  I have been proud how well I am doing with the kids.  They are incredible and keep me smiling and laughing... well last night at 11:30 I wasn't really laughing when Carson kept coming out of his room.  If you were here it would take one sentence "Bubba, I am going to lay with you!" and we wouldn't see him again until morning.  He still doesn't want anyone to lay with him when he goes to bed.  I wish you were here to threaten it so I could go to bed.  I wish you were here to help me get kids pajamas on after baths.  I wish you were here to help get dinner on the table.  I promise I am going to be better about cooking and having real meals as a family, but it has been difficult with the empty chair. 

See you soon Sweetie,
Love Mommy


  1. You do not know me. I am in Lisa's ward. I just want you to know that you are an inspiration to me and I am so grateful for your beautiful writings. I am learning so much from you and your strong spirit. Thank you for sharing your heartfelt feelings. May the Lord continue to bless and watch over you and your precious children.

  2. Thank you for reminding me to appreciate every aspect of marriage. Including all the little things I complain about, like the overfilled trash and clothes on the floor.
